House Flipper 2

House Flipper 2

Game Description

It's time to dust off your hammer - House Flipper is back in a brand-new fashion! Buy and renovate run-down houses! Or maybe you want to build new ones? Now you can! Start as a rookie Flipper and make a fortune by helping out the community of the charming town of Pinnacove.

Does House Flipper 2 have Multiplayer Co-op Mode or PvP Mode?

House Flipper 2 is currently a single-player game.

House Flipper 2 Game Trailer

Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode?

"I know there's been lots and lots of multiplayer / co-op requests and we hear you guys, but for now, I sadly cannot answer the question. If we have any news for you about it in the future, we will definitely reveal them on our social media, as well as here on Steam so stay tuned!

Hope you're having a cool day!" - Reczberg [Developer]

Get more House Flipper 2 Multiplayer Information from Source

Is there a multiplayer mod for House Flipper 2?

There is no multiplayer mod for House Flipper 2.

Best Places to Buy or Download House Flipper 2?
Steam Steam
Official website
Join House Flipper 2 Official Discord


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