

Game Description

Synergy is a city-building game in which humanity must survive in a strange and hostile world. Build a city while respecting the ecosystem. Explore and analyze your environment. Provide for the needs of your citizens.

Does Synergy have Multiplayer Co-op Mode or PvP Mode?

Synergy is currently a single-player game.

Synergy Game Trailer

Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode?

"Hello! Synergy is thought to be a singleplayer experience. You never now what can come later for the game, but it's not planned to add multiplayer at the moment!" - Thomas Goblinz [Developer]

Get more Synergy Multiplayer Information from Source

Is there a multiplayer mod for Synergy?

There is no multiplayer mod for Synergy.

Best Places to Buy or Download Synergy?
Steam Steam


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