WitchSpring R

WitchSpring R

Game Description

WitchSpring R is a story-driven RPG combining elements of collecting, simulation, and battling. Experience the joy of training a young witch and accompany her on a grand adventure!

Does WitchSpring R have Multiplayer Co-op Mode or PvP Mode?

WitchSpring R is currently a single-player game.

WitchSpring R Game Trailer

Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode?

There are currently no plans to add multiplayer features to the game.

Get more WitchSpring R Multiplayer Information from Source

Is there a multiplayer mod for WitchSpring R?

There is no multiplayer mod for WitchSpring R.

Best Places to Buy or Download WitchSpring R?
Steam Steam
Official website
cdkeys cdkeys.com


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