Resident Evil 2: Source
Resident Evil 2: Source
How many players can play with Resident Evil 2: Source? (Max Players)
Resident Evil 2: Source supports up to 255 players.
Resident Evil 2: Source - Gameplay
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- If you got left behind, You can type "noclip" and move to the location and type "noclip" again to disable ghost mode. - you need to change map manually with command "disconnect" and "map" - you can add "mat_supportflashlight 1" in "autoexec.cfg" which located in "Resident Evil 2 Source\Base\RE2\cfg" to enable flashlight.
Download Resident Evil 2: Source
Step by Step how to how to play and setup Resident Evil 2: Source
- Download and extract Resident Evil 2: Source
- Host Port Forwarding : Port 27015
- Go to \Resident Evil 2 Source\Base and launch RE2Source.bat
- Enable Developer Console
- Open Console
- Host Type sv_lan 0 (To disable LAN server)
- Host Type maxplayers # (# = number of players)
- Host Type map #(# = map name / First map name is re2_1)
- Host Type sv_cheats 1 (Enable Cheats)
- Client Type connect # (# = IP Address)
- Client Type give # (# = Item) to spawn weapon. Recommend : give weapon_crowbar or give weapon_pistol and give item_ammo_pistol
- Host Type disconnect (Before move to new map)
- Host Type map #(# = map name)