Cursed to Golf

Cursed to Golf

Game Description

Cursed to Golf is a challenging golf-like adventure where every shot counts. Players are tasked with making it out of Golf Purgatory to become a Golfing Legend. With insane hazards, otherworldly power-ups and tons of replayability, will you make it back alive or will you forever be… Cursed to Golf!?

Does Cursed to Golf have Multiplayer Co-op Mode or PvP Mode?

Cursed to Golf is currently a single-player game.

Cursed to Golf Game Trailer

Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode?

"Hi there! Thanks for the feedback, we are definitely looking into things like this for future updates. We also want to play with others too! :D" - LiamBME [Developer]

Get more Cursed to Golf Multiplayer Information from Source

Is there a multiplayer mod for Cursed to Golf?

There is no multiplayer mod for Cursed to Golf.

Best Places to Buy or Download Cursed to Golf?
Steam Steam
Official website
Join Cursed to Golf Official Discord


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