Dead Cells

Dead Cells

Game Description

Dead Cells is a rogue-lite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you’re able to fight your way past its keepers in 2D souls-lite combat. No checkpoints. Kill, die, learn, repeat.

Does Dead Cells have Multiplayer Co-op Mode or PvP Mode?

Dead Cells is currently a single-player game.

Dead Cells Game Trailer

Are there any plans to add multiplayer or co-op mode?

"We would love to have a multi version of Dead Cells but as Alsemevad summed up, implementing an online co-op mode would be expensive, not to mention a difficult thing to pull off. We decided to stick with creating a solid solo experience before we consider multi-player. While we never say never, if we do consider a multi mode it will a long time from now. Hope that you'll give Dead Cells a shot anyway." - Messbass [Developer]

Get more Dead Cells Multiplayer Information from Source

Is there a multiplayer mod for Dead Cells?

There is no multiplayer mod for Dead Cells.

Best Places to Buy or Download Dead Cells?
Steam Steam
Microsoft Store Microsoft Store
PlayStation Store PlayStation Store
Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch
Google Play Google Play
Humble Store Humble Store
Official website


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