Mon. Sep 16th, 2024


Co-op & Multiplayer Game Database

Pre-Purchase Party Animals and get guaranteed access to the Playtest

Pre-Purchase Party Animals and get guaranteed access to the Playtest

Party Animals

MEGATHREAD - Upcoming playtests information - Discuss here!

Hey everyone!

The team made some changes that will take place in the upcoming testing sessions (Test B and Test C). Here's a quick rundown:

"Thanks for your feedback over the past 24 hours of testing. We've adjusted the method and rules for selecting players for future playtests.

The development team has reached out to Steam and our online partners to increase the number of servers available for future testing periods. Starting from the second round of playtests next week, all players who have pre-purchased the game on Steam will automatically receive playtest access. In addition, Steam will continue to select random players who signed up to grant playtest access as well."
Check out more information here.

Find out more about Party Animals

Party Animals

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